Philipp Bagus
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Philipp Bagus is a German economist and professor of economics at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid.
He earned a Bachelor and Master at the University of Münster and Ph.D. from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos with Jesús Huerta de Soto as his adviser on a thesis on deflation. He is the author or co-author of two books on topics pertaining to economic history, and has published articles mainly on monetary and business cycle theory in The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, Libertarian Papers, Journal of Libertarian Studies, The Review of Austrian Economics, among others.
- Deep Freeze: Iceland's Economic Collapse. Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2011. ISBN 978-1933550343
- The Tragedy of the Euro. Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2010. ISBN 978-1610161183
- Official website
- Philipp Bagus at
- Author archive at
- Other media
- Authors Forum: "Tragedy of the Euro & Deep Freeze" lecture by Philipp Bagus, March 2011 (YouTube)
- "Eliminating Monetary Externalities" lecture by Philipp Bagus, March 2011 (YouTube)
- Cobden Centre Radio: "Philip Bagus Interview" March 2011 (MP3)
- In Studio: "Currency and Economic Collapse" interview with Philipp Bagus, March 2011 (YouTube)
- "CrossTalk" on Russia Today: "Euro DOA?" interview with Philipp Bagus, June 2011