File talk:Mises Wiki globe.jpg

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Has a firm decision been made that we should replace the Mises shield with this globe as our logo? If so, the image will need to be adapted for that purpose:

  • The white background should be replaced with a transparent background.
  • Implement whatever feathering or shadowing you deem appropriate, but make sure it fades out to a transparent rather than white background.
  • Bear in mind that the shield is an 146 x 126 pixel image, and a lot of that 146 pixels of width is just background. So I guess convert this image to another 146 x 126 image except with that globe in the middle instead of the shield. I would do it, but I'm no graphic designer.
Experimental globe logo.png

To the right, you can see what it looked like when I tried using a version of this image to which I had applied these instructions to get rid of the white background. The fuzzy select stopped when it got to the shadow, so you can still see some white around the edges. Also, the globe is significantly wider than the shield as well as of slightly greater height, since it's an 135 x 135 pixel image. So, you'll want to make it smaller than that, I presume, even though mw:Manual:$wgLogo specifies a logo size of 135 x 135 pixels.

In case you're interested, the way our system is set up, changes to the logo are made by editing /home/web/public_html/wiki/mediawiki/skins/Vector.php . There's a line that reads:

<img src="">

A different logo can be substituted by changing that filename from shield.png to something else. This was also the file that Dave edited to change the "Von" to "von" in Ludwig von Mises' name. Nathan Larson (talk) 19:40, 5 October 2012 (MSD)