Chicago School of economics
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The Chicago school of economics is a neoclassical school of thought within the academic community of economists. It is so named due to its strong focus around the faculty of The University of Chicago, many of whom constructed and popularized its principles.
- The Chicago School versus the Austrian School by Robert P. Murphy, June 2011
- The Fed: The Chicago School's Achilles Heel by Robert P. Murphy, December 2010
- Bursting Eugene Fama's Bubble by Robert P. Murphy , February 2010
- Is Milton Friedman a Keynesian?: An Analysis of the Chicago School (audio) by Roger W. Garrison, January 2009
- The Chicago School's Concept of Property Rights: Coase Theorem and Antitrust Revinionism (pdf) by Ivan Jankovic, 2005
- The Political Economy of the Chicago School: Libertarian or Jacobin? (audio) by Joseph T. Salerno, June 2005
- The Chicago School versus The Free Market, 2003 (multiple works)
- Milton Friedman Unravelled (pdf) by Murray N. Rothbard, 2002
- Chicago School of economics at Wikipedia