School of thought
A school of thought is a collection of individuals and organizations that encourage basic and complex beliefs pertaining to any manner of subjects. Schools of thought can be based in many fields of study, such as economic schools of thought, political schools of thought, philosophical schools of thought, etc. The individuals that comprise a school generally share the same core beliefs, albeit usually with varying differences. Often, such differences are a result of the degree of belief in a certain policy, interpretation, or philosophical analysis.[citation needed]
Economic Schools of Thought
Examples of Economic schools of thought include:
Keynesian School, Neoclassical School, Austrian School, Chicago School, Monetarism, New-Keynesian School
Behavioral Economics, Standard Model of Economics
Economic Ideologies and Economies include:
Modern Socialism (Welfare State), Market socialism, Laissez-faire (Free Market), Mixed Economy, Centrally Planned Economy,
Older Schools of Economic Thought include:
Classical Liberalism, Socialism, Classical Conservatism, Mercantilism[citation needed]
Examples of Philosophical Schools of Thought