David Hume
From Mises Wiki, the global repository of classical-liberal thought
David Hume (7 May 1711 N.S. (26 April 1711 O.S.) – 25 August 1776), born David Home, was a Scottish philosopher, historian, economist, and essayist, known especially for his philosophical empiricism and skepticism.[1]
- ↑ Encyclopædia Britannica. [http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/276139/David-Hume "David Hume. (2011).", referenced 2011-10-13.
External links
- David Hume at Wikipedia
- David Hume at Wikibéral (French; see translation)
- David Hume at The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics
- David Hume and the Theory of Money by Murray N. Rothbard (from An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought, vol. 1, Economic Thought Before Adam Smith)
- David Hume and the Art of Living (and Dying) by Danny Sanchez, May 2011
- Hume, Property, and Government by Gary Galles, April 2009
- David Hume on Colonial Secession (audio) by Donald W. Livingston, 10 May 1995
- Hume on Intellectual Property and the Problematic “Labor” Metaphor by Stephan Kinsella, April 2011
- Cantillon, Hume and the Rise of Anti-Mercantilism (pdf) by Mark Thornton, January 2006