From Mises Wiki, the global repository of classical-liberal thought
Fascism is an authoritarian, collectivist political ideology which stresses the importance of the national interest over the rights of individuals.[1] However, while a collectivist ideology, fascism attempts to preserve private property rights and some of the associated benefits, such as the profit motive, but only when they do not come into conflict with what the political authorities deem to be the national interest.[2]
See also: Italian fascism and National socialism
External links
- Fascism at Wikipedia
- Fascism by Sheldon Richman at The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics
- The Vampire Economy and the Market by Ben O'Neill, March 2012
- Nazism is Socialism by Adam Young, September 2001
- The Fascist Threat by Lew Rockwell, June 2012
- Economic Fascism by Thomas DiLorenzo, June 1994
See also: Inflation in Nazi Germany