Forty Centuries of Wage and Price Controls
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Forty Centuries of Wage and Price Controls is a historical guide through thousands of years of failed economical policies, especially price controls. It was written by Robert L. Schuettinger and Eamonn F. Butler.
See also: History of money and banking
- The Ancient World
- The Roman Republic and Empire
- From Medieval to Early Modern Times
- Canada and the United States: The First Centuries
- The French Revolution
- The Nineteenth Century: One Success, One Failure
- The First World War
- Three Nations Between the Wars
- National Socialist Germany
- The Soviet Union
- Two Democracies in the Second World War
- Postwar Rent Controls
- A Postwar Survey of Six Continents
- The Price of World Currency
- The U.S., Britain and Canada: 1970-78
- On the Causes of Inflation
- Coping with Inflation
- The Cures For Inflation
- The Economic Effects of Wage and Price Controls
- The Wage and Price Control Statutes From the Code of Hammurabi
- The Edict of Diocletian Fixing Maximum Prices and Wages
- A Tax-Based Incomes Policy (TIP): What's It All About?
- An Analysis of President Carter's Wage-Insurance Plan
- read the complete online version (pdf) or purchase the book
- Four Thousand Years of Price Control, November 2005, by Thomas J. DiLorenzo