Holy Bible
The Holy Bible is the Scripture of the Christian religion. The authors of some of its books, such as the epistle to the Hebrews, are unknown, although scholars have made some educated guesses. In some parts of the Bible, those acting on behalf of God defy the government[1][2] or against religious authorities. However, the Bible commands obedience to government in those situations in which to do so would not be inconsistent with God's commands.[3][4][5]
Logic and evidence
The Bible notes that not very many wise people have accepted the Christian faith.[6] This is, perhaps, because the logic of the Bible is entirely different from that of earthly logicians. In what would usually be considered begging the question, the Bible offers, as proof of its own reliability, its own assertion that Scripture is the Word of God,[7][8] who cannot lie.[9][10][11] Benjamin Franklin, in A Dissertation on Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain, shows that the tenets of Christianity inevitably lead to the conclusion, "If a Creature is made by God, it must depend upon God, and receive all its Power from Him; with which Power the Creature can do nothing contrary to the Will of God, because God is Almighty; what is not contrary to His Will, must be agreeable to it; what is agreeable to it, must be good, because He is Good; therefore a Creature can do nothing but what is good."[12] The Bible does not fully explain why God has allowed (or caused) evil to occur. Paul responds to allegations of a contradiction between predestination and free will by arguing that it is arrogant for people to question God's choice of certain sinners for salvation.[13]
The Bible contains an Old Testament and a New Testament. It is commonly believed that the God of the New Testament is less harsh than the God of the Old Testament, who decreed draconian punishments for such offenses as gathering sticks on the Sabbath.[14] Actually, if anything, Jesus Christ's teachings were stricter than those of his contemporary Jewish teachers, because he preached an internal conformity to the spirit of the law rather than mere external compliance to the letter. Thus, for instance, it is considered not only sinful to commit murder or adultery but to even be angry at one's brother without a cause[15] or to have lustful thoughts.[16]
Ludwig von Mises quotes or cites Scripture on thirty-two occasions throughout his writings.[17]
- ↑ <bible>Daniel 6:6-13</bible>
- ↑ <bible>Matthew 2:13</bible>
- ↑ <bible>Romans 13:1-7</bible>
- ↑ <bible>Titus 3:1</bible>
- ↑ <bible>1 Peter 2:13-17</bible>
- ↑ <bible>1 Corinthians 1:26</bible>
- ↑ <bible>2 Timothy 3:16</bible>
- ↑ <bible>2 Peter 1:20-21</bible>
- ↑ <bible>Numbers 23:19</bible>
- ↑ <bible>Titus 1:2</bible>
- ↑ <bible>Hebrews 6:18</bible>
- ↑ Franklin, Benjamin (1725). "A Dissertation on Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain". http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/A_Dissertation_on_Liberty_and_Necessity,_Pleasure_and_Pain.
- ↑ <bible>Romans 9:19-21</bible>
- ↑ <bible>Numbers 15:32-35</bible>
- ↑ <bible>Matthew 5:21-22</bible>
- ↑ <bible>Matthew 5:27-28</bible>
- ↑ Vance, Laurence M. (10 February 2005). "Mises Debunks the Religious Case for the State". http://mises.org/daily/1736.