Miscellany:Statements by libertarians concerning child pornography
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- Long, Roderick (25 April 2008). "Ruwart on Children’s Rights". Austro-Athenian Empire. http://aaeblog.com/2008/04/25/ruwart-on-childrens-rights/.
- Rockwell, Llewellyn H. (30 April 2008). "But What About the Children?". Mises Daily. http://mises.org/daily/2967/.
- Hogarth, Susan (8 May 2002). "OT: Shocked". alt.fan.dune. "Certainly, no right-minded libertarian would tolerate the abuse of a child, so any film which displayed such a thing is either (1) evidence of serious wrongdoing and actionable *as such*, or (2) faked - in which case, who cares?"