MisesWiki:Media issues
From Mises Wiki, the global repository of classical-liberal thought
The purpose of this page is to catalogue currently known issues in mises.org media. If an error included in this list has been fixed, please remove it.
~1 hour 40 minutes the lecture completes. ~3 hours 4 minutes, Tom Woods begins answering questions (Potentially Lecture 5 Office Hours?). This file should probably be split.
Human Action
- "The Market (continued)", part 3 & part 4 are duplicates of part 2, instead of the correct parts of the audio. Note the listed running times of [38:03] and [37:53] respectively, are accurate for the correct audio clips that should be embedded at those pages. In other words, on the media page, part "23 of 71" and part "24 of 71" are absent and instead play copies of part "22 of 71".
- "Prices (continued)", part 3 & part 4 are duplicates of part 2, instead of the correct parts of the audio. Note the listed running times of [44:16] and [1:02:20] respectively, are accurate for the correct audio clips that should be embedded at those pages. In other words, on the media page, part "28 of 71" and part "29 of 71" are absent and instead play copies of part "27 of 71".