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<source lang="php"> <?php /**

* Vector - Modern version of MonoBook with fresh look and many usability
* improvements.
* @todo document
* @file
* @ingroup Skins

if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {

       die( -1 );


// This code is necessary to get it to produce a printable version that // doesn't have the Mises.org header taking up half the first page. if ( isset ( $_REQUEST[ 'printable' ] ) ) {

               // Vector.printable.php is simply the Vector.php from MW v1.19.2.
               require_once ( "Vector.printable.php" );

} else {


* SkinTemplate class for Vector skin
* @ingroup Skins

class SkinVector extends SkinTemplate {

       var $skinname = 'vector', $stylename = 'vector',
               $template = 'VectorTemplate', $useHeadElement = true;
        * Initializes output page and sets up skin-specific parameters
        * @param $out OutputPage object to initialize
      	public function initPage( OutputPage $out ) {
               global $wgLocalStylePath;
              	parent::initPage( $out );
               // Append CSS which includes IE only behavior fixes for hover support -
               // this is better than including this in a CSS fille since it doesn't
               // wait for the CSS file to load before fetching the HTC file.
              	$min = $this->getRequest()->getFuzzyBool( 'debug' ) ?  : '.min';
               $out->addHeadItem( 'csshover',
              	$out->addModuleScripts( 'skins.vector' );
        * Load skin and user CSS files in the correct order
        * fixes bug 22916
        * @param $out OutputPage object
      	function setupSkinUserCss( OutputPage $out ){
               parent::setupSkinUserCss( $out );
               $out->addModuleStyles( 'skins.vector' );
      $out->addStyle( 'misesskin/main.css', 'screen');



* QuickTemplate class for Vector skin
* @ingroup Skins

class VectorTemplate extends BaseTemplate {

       /* Functions */
        * Outputs the entire contents of the (X)HTML page
       public function execute() {
               global $wgVectorUseIconWatch;
              	// Build additional attributes for navigation urls
               $nav = $this->data['content_navigation'];
               if ( $wgVectorUseIconWatch ) {
                       $mode = $this->getSkin()->getTitle()->userIsWatching() ? 'unwatch' : 'watch';
                       if ( isset( $nav['actions'][$mode] ) ) {
                               $nav['views'][$mode] = $nav['actions'][$mode];
                               $nav['views'][$mode]['class'] = rtrim( 'icon ' . $nav['views'][$mode]['class'], ' ' );
                               $nav['views'][$mode]['primary'] = true;
                               unset( $nav['actions'][$mode] );
               $xmlID = ;
               foreach ( $nav as $section => $links ) {
                       foreach ( $links as $key => $link ) {
                               if ( $section == 'views' && !( isset( $link['primary'] ) && $link['primary'] ) ) {
                                      	$link['class'] = rtrim( 'collapsible ' . $link['class'], ' ' );
                               $xmlID = isset( $link['id'] ) ? $link['id'] : 'ca-' . $xmlID;
                              	$nav[$section][$key]['attributes'] =
                                      	' id="' . Sanitizer::escapeId( $xmlID ) . '"';
                              	if ( $link['class'] ) {
                                       $nav[$section][$key]['attributes'] .=
                                               ' class="' . htmlspecialchars( $link['class'] ) . '"';
                                       unset( $nav[$section][$key]['class'] );
                              	if ( isset( $link['tooltiponly'] ) && $link['tooltiponly'] ) {
                                      	$nav[$section][$key]['key'] =
                                               Linker::tooltip( $xmlID );
                              	} else {
                                      	$nav[$section][$key]['key'] =
                                              	Xml::expandAttributes( Linker::tooltipAndAccesskeyAttribs( $xmlID ) );
               $this->data['namespace_urls'] = $nav['namespaces'];
               $this->data['view_urls'] = $nav['views'];
              	$this->data['action_urls'] = $nav['actions'];
               $this->data['variant_urls'] = $nav['variants'];
               // Reverse horizontally rendered navigation elements
               if ( $this->data['rtl'] ) {
                       $this->data['view_urls'] =
                               array_reverse( $this->data['view_urls'] );
                       $this->data['namespace_urls'] =
                               array_reverse( $this->data['namespace_urls'] );
                       $this->data['personal_urls'] =
                               array_reverse( $this->data['personal_urls'] );
               // Output HTML Page
               $this->html( 'headelement' );


<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script>$(document).ready(function(){
