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Railroad is a system of railroad tracks with the trains, organization, and personnel required for its working.
- "Crony Capitalism and the Transcontinental Railroads" by Ryan McMaken, March 2014
- "The Myth of the Great Railroad Meetup" by Mark A. Pribonic, April 2007
- "Ambrose on the Railroads" by Clifford F. Thies, January 2001
- "The Truth About the "Robber Barons"" by Thomas J. DiLorenzo, September 2006
- The Role of Private Transportation in America's 19th Century "Internal Improvements" Debate (pdf) by Thomas J. DiLorenzo
- African-American Railroad Workers, 1900-1960: A Critical Reinterpretation (audio) by Joshua T. McCabe, March 2009
- Infrastructure's Forgotton Failures by Clifford Thies, July 1994
- "Amtrak's New Clothes" by Gregory Bresiger, February 2002
- "The Drive for Regulatory Harmonization" by Robert Higgs, August 2011
- Financial Train Wrecks Ahead by Gregory Bresiger, March 2002
- The Agony of the Welfare State by Ludwig von Mises (from Economic Freedom and Interventionism), 1953
- "The Great Capitalist Novel" by Greg Davis, September 2007
- Wire and Rails: Comparing the Web and Railroads by Larry Schweikart, December 2001
- The Railroads Of France by Murray N. Rothbard, September 1955
- Reviving the Railroads by Ben Heineman, May 1958
- Bill Brosnan: Railroad Free-Marketeer by Charles Morgret, January 2001
- Railroad Deregulation by Henry W. Vanderleest, October 1985
- The Little Railroad That Could by Anthony Young, May 1992
- Featherbedding: A Way of Life by Leonard E. Read, June 1960
- Privatizing Japans Railroads by Donald Senese, June 1987
- The Social Cost of Railroad Regulation by John Semmens, December 1979
- Throttling the Railroads: 1. The Railroad Problem by Clarence B. Carson, May 1970
- Throttling the Railroads: 2. Aiding the Railroads: 1830-1871 by Clarence B. Carson, June 1970
- Throttling the Railroads: 3. The Thrust to Regulation by Clarence B. Carson, July 1970
- Train Wreck by Gregory Bresiger, August 1999
- Should Government Build the Railroads? by Burton Folsom, June 1998
- The Dark Secrets of Rail Trails by Kirk Teska, December 2004
- Defining success: The Case against Rail Transit (pdf) by Ranal O’Toole, March 2010
- Railroad at Wikipedia