From Mises Wiki, the global repository of classical-liberal thought
Smuggling is the conveyance of things by stealth, particularly the clandestine movement of goods to evade customs duties or import or export restrictions.
Smuggling flourishes wherever there are high-revenue duties (e.g., on tea, spirits, and silks in 18th-century England, coffee in many European countries, and tobacco almost everywhere) or prohibitions on import (narcotics) or on export (arms and currency).[1]
- ↑ Encyclopædia Britannica Online. "smuggling", referenced 16 June, 2014.
- "How Smugglers Made America" by Mark Thornton, June 2014
- Smuggling in 18th and 19th century Britain
- Smuggled Goods and Products information
- The Economics of Cigarette Taxes by Don Mathews
- "Jefferson's Disastrous Embargo" by H.A. Scott Trask, August 2010 (from chapter 3 of Reassessing the Presidency)
- Smuggling at Wikipedia