Usemlab Economics and Markets
Usemlab Economics and Markets is an Italian Cultural Association of Austrian economics founded by Francesco Carbone a financial advisor[1][2].
Initially it was only a website [3] US Equity and Macro Lab (acronym Usemlab); but in November 2007 [4] became also an Association in Turin with the name Economics & Markets LAB and then Usemlab Economy and Markets which aims to stimulate and promote the economic debate, particularly with respect to defense of a sound money.[5]
Francesco Carbone member and collaborator of the Libertarian Movement (Italy) in his book Prevedibile e Inevitabile[6][7][8][9] has harshly criticized the regime of fiat money issued by central banks to government initiative during the rescue of banks and other institutes at the end of 2008 and in 2009.[10][11]
Carbone in his book has provided well in advance the economic crisis since 2002; during 2003-2004 he attended the doctoral seminar of Spanish Prof. Jesús Huerta de Soto in Madrid and his Austrian Economics course, he became friend with de Soto and disseminate his lessons in Italy on the website of Association ([3].
According to Usemlab, the monetary expansion will cause inflation and a decline in purchasing power and the value of money in United States and Europe.[12]
In March 2009, Andrea De Marchi a member of Usemlab wrote the book Inflazione malattia primaria[13][14][15] explaining in terms of Austrian school as in the absence of a true market capitalism, the supply of fiat money by the central banks produce growth effects of inflation with consequent impoverishment of the population, nepotism, privilege, arrogance of the powerful crime, social injustice, failure of services.
Usemlab was been able to predict in advance the rise of gold price. [16][17]
Usemlab believe that the monetary crisis in the Eurozone and in the countries such as "PIIGS" is only the beginning of more economic crisis and defaults resulting from excessive state intervention and a wrong approach to the monetary problem by governments.[18].[19]
- ↑ Biography and CV of Francesco Carbone
- ↑ Professor Francesco Carbone tab at the Environment Academy of Monferrato
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 The legacy of the Austrian School l'Opinione, by William Longhi. Retrived on April 29, 2004.
- ↑ Story of the Usemlab association
- ↑ About Us by Usemlab. Retrived on June 3, 2010.
- ↑ Predictable and inevitable by Francesco Carbone. Retrived on October 26, 2008.
- ↑ Tab book review Prevedibile e inevitabile
- ↑ Francesco Carbone Prevedibile e Inevitabile. La Crisi dell’Interventismo. Le Cause del Disastro e i Rimedi Possibili. (Turin: Cultural Association USEMLAB,2008).
- ↑ Predictable and inevitable by Simone Scarlini. Retrived on September 1, 2009. Prevedibile e inevitabile book review.
- ↑ The story of the great scam I fogli di Enclave n° 5, page 1 and 3 by Usemlab. Retrived on November 2008. Archived from
- ↑ An economy based on junk money I fogli di Enclave n° 5, page 3 by Luigia Possenti. Retrived on November 2008. Archived from
- ↑ Euro and the end of the monetary system by Rivo Cortonesi. Retrived on May 10, 2010.
- ↑ Tab book review Inflazione malattia primaria.
- ↑ Andrea De Marchi Inflazione malattia primaria (Turin: Cultural Association USEMLAB,2009).
- ↑ Inflation, underlying disease Retrived on March 17, 2009.
- ↑ Decadence and Modernity I Fogli di Encalve n°5 pages 1 and 2, by Francesco Carbone. Retrived on November 2008. Archived from
- ↑ Those really obsessions of gold! by Francesco Carbone. Retrived on November 8, 2009. Archived from on November 5, 2009.
- ↑ Sooner or later the day comes when you have to Pay! by Mauro Meneghini. Retrived on November 5, 2009.
- ↑ Money against junk sheets! by Juan Morillo Bentué. Retrived on May 28, 2010.