From Mises Wiki, the global repository of classical-liberal thought
Indicators | |
Request completed: | |
Confirmed {{Confirmed}} | Likely {{Likely}} |
Possible {{Possible}} | Unlikely {{Unlikely}} |
Unrelated {{Unrelated}} | Inconclusive {{Inconclusive}} |
IP blocked {{IPblock}} | Stale {{StaleIP}} |
Completed {{Completed}} | |
Request declined: | |
Declined {{Declined}} | CheckUser is not for fishing {{Fishing}} |
Rejected {{Thrown out}} | Checkuser is not a crystal ball {{crystalball}} |
Unnecessary {{Unnecessary}} | Checkuser is not magic pixie dust {{pixiedust}} |
Information: | |
Deferred {{Deferred}} | Additional information needed {{MoreInfo}} |
Note: {{TakeNote}} | In progress {{Inprogress}} |
Clerk actions: | |
Clerk note: {{Clerk-Note}} | Clerk assistance required: {{Clerk Request}} |
Delisted {{Delisted}} | Relisted {{Relisted}} |