My main interests are history, philosophy, science, and even economics. I am no expert in any of the fields, though that is not a permanent status. My username is the same as the one I have on wikipedia. The origin of the name has to do with the wikipedia contributions I made when I first became a user. Here is what i have written on that user page:
I chose the username SakaScotii because of my belief in the possible etymological relation in the names of; and ethnic, cultural, genetic, and linguistic relation in the tribes of: SaKa SaCae SCyTHia SKwT SCoTii SCoTs ASHKeNaZ ASHKuZa ASCaNius HiSCioN HiSiToN ASKr AeSC ISTVaeoNes IKSHVaKu ASHVaKa ASHVayaNas ASiNi ASii OSii OSSeTi ASPaSioi ASVDNDa HiPaSioi AFGHaN ABaGaN ASHKaNian SZLeTi SKuDra SoGDi SaKai ASCaNian SaXoN SaCHSeN SKoLoTi. For SURE most of these are related. I realize that many of these supposedly have different meanings, but the term "Kamboja" supposedly means both "those who enjoy blankets" and "those who enjoy beautiful things". Please note also CiMBRi CaMBRia GoMeR GiMMiRu CiMMeRians CyMRw. And ARYAns are related to ARYAman, just as the IRIsh/EIREAns claim descent from EREAmon. The Osseti (ALAns) call themselves IROni, and of course we all know about the IRAnians. I do not advocate the medeival story of recent convergence of these people, as these are fanciful tales. My main interest is in the history of Eurasia, the Middle East, and North Africa. I maybe a little cRAZy, RASH, and even inherently pREJudice, but I am no RACist.
I am Montana born and raised, aged 19, and consider myself to be a conservative libertarian, and a traditional republican. I ascribe to the Austrian School of Economics, little that I know of it. The reasons for this political persuasion is my vehement hatred for all authority in its unnecessary forms. Parents, Pastors, Police, Presidents,in that order do I respect as long as they never overstep their bounds. When they do, I consider it to be a crime on a par with the most heinous. Never give up liberty for security. Just look at what the TSA does when people give up their God Given, Constituionally Mandated Liberties.
I am anti-war, but not a pacifist. We should never have gone into Iraq or Afghanistan. But as long as we were going to anyways, not as a full fighting force. If either country was as bad as they said it was, what is wrong with a nuke? I am of the opinion that it was not as bad as they said it was. In fact I believe that if we absolutely had to do anything, what is wrong with a small covert operation taking out a few key scumbags and framing it on an equally Islamo-Fascist, but rival group? Now, if there are any ethical reasons not to do this, then all you have to do is privatize a small group and send them in, bring them back, and utterly deny any government involvement, all the while refusing to extradite the alleged perpatrators. Now, since we are there, something has to be done to get back out. Whether we pull out or completely destroy the enemy (by most any means, but with as little colateral as possible), it is a tactical and strategic victory, provided that problems back home are also fixed.