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Hey there. I'm TheEfficientMan.

Simply put, I believe in liberty. I'm a liberal, in the original and true sense, and a libertarian (not Libertarian, as in the U.S. political party) in the broad sense. I mostly want the government out of your life, with a few exceptions. Here are some things I believe in:

   Libertarian conservatism or Western conservatism
   Classical liberalism
   Conservative liberalism or Liberal Conservatism
   Neoliberalism or Laissez-Faire
   Thatcherism or Reaganism
   Federalism and New Federalism
   Judeo-Christian ethics
   Peace through strength
   Patriotism (but not Nationalism)
   Most aspects of Jeffersonian democracy

Some of my heroes are:

   Ronald Reagan
   Margaret Thatcher
   Calvin Coolidge
   Jack Kemp
   Barry Goldwater
   Andrew Mellon
   Milton Friedman
   Friedrich Hayek
   Ludwig von Mises
   Thomas Sowell
   Ben Shapiro
   Milo Yiannopolous
   Steven Crowder
   Hunter Avallone
   The Founding Fathers of the United States

I'm irritated I have to have to distinguish myself from the cult of the SJWs and Regressive Leftists who incorrectly call themselves liberals.

This election illustrates quite a lot of what's wrong with America, and Trump is horrible, but I'd vote for him anyway, if I could.

I despise much of our culture today, and wish we could return to the Judeo-Christian system of beliefs we used to hold, but I don't want the government to enforce it on us. Separation of church and state is one of the most important principles that our country was founded on. Do what you want with your life. It's not the government's job to prevent you from making bad decisions. For this reason I support, for example, the legalization of drugs. This is despite my abhorrence of these activities on a personal level.

Work is great for you, and is sometimes a reward in and of itself.

Yeah, but I'm a white, heterosexual, cisgender, upper middle-class (because my parents aren't fools and worked hard, not because they're white), Christian, patriotic male, so obviously I am not entitled to any opinions and I'm racist, sexist, Islamophobic, xenophobic, transphobic, ableist, and whatever-ist.

I run a blog on climate change which no one reads (and please don't feel obligated to do so) here.