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Books (in .pdf format) can be uploaded to the Mises Wiki, just like images. Then, anyone in the world can proofread them, page by page, in order to generate accurate html reproductions of original books.

Add a book


Create its Index page

Proofread pages

Proofreading is easy! Just pick a page in a book that interests you, and edit the text on the left side of the screen so that it matches, as closely as possible, the image on the right side of the screen. Keep in mind the following guidelines:

  • Preserve all spelling mistakes that are in the original
  • As far as it is practical, attempt to preserve the original's formatting, with a few exceptions:
    • There's no need to preserve paragraph indentation: on the web, a line break indicates a new paragraph
    • Feel free to use straight quotes ("example") rather than curly quotes (“example” and ‘example’)
    • For dashes, use either an unspaced emdash—like this—or a spaced endash – like this. These characters are available below the "Save page" button.
  • Add links to other pages in the Mises Wiki.
    • When linking to another book, link to its encyclopedia article, not the text itself, unless the reference is to a particular chapter or page of the book.

Formatting templates

You will find that a number of formatting templates are helpful:

  • {{center}} or {{c}}: Center text
  • {{right}} or {{r}}: Right align text
  • {{running header}} or {{rh}}: Generates a properly formatted running header
  • {{larger}}, {{smaller}}, and similar templates: Makes text larger or smaller
  • {{small-caps}} or {{sc}}: Makes text small caps

For others, see Category:Formatting templates.

Page status

Each page in a work has a "status." The five statuses are:

  • Without text is for blank pages, or other pages that do not require double proofreading. (See all pages.)
  • Not proofread is the default value. (See all pages.)
  • Problematic indicates a problem that needs further discussion between contributors. (See all pages.)
  • Proofread means proofread by one contributor. (See all pages.)
  • Validated means proofread by two contributors. The corresponding button is available only if the page has been already proofread by someone else. (See all pages.)

The progression through these statuses can be visualized as follows:

Without text
empty page Not proofread Proofread Validated

The goal is for pages with text to reach the "Validated" stage; that is, for all problems to be resolved and for two people to have verified that the text matches the page image.

To change the status of a page, edit a page in the "Page" namespace. There you will find radio buttons just below the "Edit summary" field. If a previous contributor has proofread the page already, they will appear as below:

Five buttons

If no one has proofread the page yet, the buttons will appear as follows:

Four buttons

In both cases, you can change the status of the page by selecting the appropriate button and saving the page. If the green "Validate" button is not available to you, it will appear for other users if you select the yellow "Proofread" button and save.


Sections make it possible to show only part of a page in the main namespace. For example, if Chapter 3 of a book begins in the middle of a page, I could use <section begin="chapter3"</nowiki> /></nowiki> and <section end="chapter3"</nowiki> /></nowiki> to indicate the part of the page I want to designate as part of Chapter 3:

<section begin="chapter2" />Page begins near the end of chapter 2, and then...

chapter 2 ends.<section end="chapter2" />

<section begin="chapter3" />Title of Chapter 3

Chapter 3 begins here, and continues to the end of the page<section end="chapter3" />

Combine pages into one work

To combine proofread pages in the main namespace, use the following syntax, replacing all italics with actual values:

<pages index="Name of the text.pdf" from=Initial_page_# to=Final_page_# fromsection=Start_section_name tosection=End_section_name header=1 />

  • index: The name of the book's file
  • from: The page number of the initial page
  • to: The page number of the final page
  • fromsection: Optional. If the initial page has a section, and you don't want to include anything on that page except that section, add the section name here.
  • tosection:Optional. If the final page has a section, and you don't want to include anything from that page except that section, add the section name here.
  • header: if set to "1," generates a header from information on the Index page.


For example: <pages index="Marxism Unmasked.pdf" from=8 to=12 fromsection=chapter1 tosection=chapter1 header=1 />

In this case, pages 8–12 of Index:Marxism Unmasked.pdf will appear on the page. However, only the parts of page 8 and page 12 that are in "section1" will appear; the rest of those two pages will not. In addition, a header will appear at the top of the page, thanks to header=1.