Template:Infobox political party/doc

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Basic usage

Leader {{{leader}}}
Chairperson {{{chairperson}}}
President {{{president}}}
Spokesperson {{{spokesperson}}}
Founded {{{foundation}}}}
Headquarters {{{headquarters}}}
Ideology {{{ideology}}}
International affiliation {{{international}}}
[[Politics of {{{country}}}]]
[[List of political parties in {{{country}}}|Political parties]]
[[Elections in {{{country}}}|Elections]]
{{Infobox political party
|name          = 
|logo          = 
|colorcode     = <!-- HTML color code (e.g. red or #FF0000) or transparent for no coloring -->
|leader        = 
|chairperson   = 
|president     = 
|spokesperson  = 
|foundation    = <!-- {{Start date|YYYY|MM|DD}} -->
|ideology      = 
|headquarters  = 
|international = 
|website       = 
|country       = 

Complete usage

{{{lang1}}} name {{{name_lang1}}}
{{{lang2}}} name {{{name_lang2}}}
{{{lang3}}} name {{{name_lang3}}}
{{{lang4}}} name {{{name_lang4}}}
Leader {{{leader}}}
Chairperson {{{chairperson}}}
President {{{president}}}
Secretary-General {{{secretary_general}}}
Spokesperson {{{spokesperson}}}
Founder {{{founder}}}
{{{leader1_title}}} {{{leader1_name}}}
{{{leader2_title}}} {{{leader2_name}}}
{{{leader3_title}}} {{{leader3_name}}}
{{{leader4_title}}} {{{leader4_name}}}
{{{leader5_title}}} {{{leader5_name}}}
Slogan {{{slogan}}}
Founded {{{founded}}}
Dissolved {{{dissolved}}}
Merger of {{{merger}}}
Split from {{{split}}}
Preceded by {{{predecessor}}}
Merged into {{{merged}}}
Succeeded by {{{successor}}}
Headquarters {{{headquarters}}}
Newspaper {{{newspaper}}}
Student wing {{{student_wing}}}
Youth wing {{{youth_wing}}}
{{{wing1_title}}} {{{wing1}}}
{{{wing2_title}}} {{{wing2}}}
{{{wing3_title}}} {{{wing3}}}
Membership  ({{{membership_year}}}) {{{membership}}}
Ideology {{{ideology}}}
Religion {{{religion}}}
National affiliation {{{national}}}
International affiliation {{{international}}}
European affiliation {{{european}}}
European Parliament Group {{{europarl}}}
{{{affiliation1_title}}} {{{affiliation1}}}
Official colors {{{colors}}}
{{{blank1_title}}} {{{blank1}}}
{{{blank2_title}}} {{{blank2}}}
{{{blank3_title}}} {{{blank3}}}
{{{seats1_title}}} {{{seats1}}}
{{{seats2_title}}} {{{seats2}}}
{{{seats3_title}}} {{{seats3}}}
{{{seats4_title}}} {{{seats4}}}
Election symbol
Party flag
[[Politics of {{{country}}}]]
[[List of political parties in {{{country}}}|Political parties]]
[[Elections in {{{country}}}|Elections]]
[[Politics of {{{country2}}}]]
[[List of political parties in {{{country2}}}|Political parties]]
[[Elections in {{{country2}}}|Elections]]
{{Infobox political party
|name               = 
|native_name        = 
|lang1              = 
|name_lang1         = 
|lang2              = 
|name_lang2         = 
|lang3              = 
|name_lang3         = 
|lang4              = 
|name_lang4         = 
|logo               = 
|colorcode          = <!-- HTML color code (e.g. red or #FF0000) or transparent for no coloring -->
|leader             = 
|chairperson        = 
|president          = 
|secretary_general  = 
|spokesperson       = 
|founder            = 
|leader1_title      = 
|leader1_name       = 
|leader2_title      = 
|leader2_name       = 
|leader3_title      = 
|leader3_name       = 
|leader4_title      = 
|leader4_name       = 
|leader5_title      = 
|leader5_name       = 
|slogan             = 
|founded            = <!-- {{Start date|YYYY|MM|DD}} -->
|dissolved          = <!-- {{End date|YYYY|MM|DD}} -->
|merger             = 
|split              = 
|predecessor        = 
|merged             = 
|successor          = 
|headquarters       =  
|newspaper          = 
|student_wing       = 
|youth_wing         = 
|wing1_title        = 
|wing1              = 
|wing2_title        = 
|wing2              = 
|wing3_title        = 
|wing3              = 
|membership_year    = 
|membership         = 
|ideology           = 
|religion           = 
|national           = 
|international      = 
|european           = 
|europarl           = 
|affiliation1_title = 
|affiliation1       = 
|colors             = <!-- use "colours" for British English -->
|blank1_title       = 
|blank1             = 
|blank2_title       = 
|blank2             = 
|blank3_title       = 
|blank3             = 
|seats1_title       = 
|seats1             = <!-- {{Infobox political party/seats|seats_won|total_seats|hex=#ff0000}} -->
|seats2_title       = 
|seats2             = 
|seats3_title       = 
|seats3             = 
|seats4_title       = 
|seats4             = 
|symbol             = 
|flag               = 
|website            = 
|country            = <!-- or state -->
|country2           = 
|state              = <!-- or country -->
|footnotes          =



See also