Essay:What It Is Like to Talk to a Statist
This essay contains the opinions of one or more authors and does not necessarily represent the views of Mises Wiki or the Mises Institute. Mises Wiki essays may sometimes contain opinions that are not widely accepted by Austrian school thinkers, but nonetheless reside on the site to help stimulate critical thinking, constructive dialog, and an open-minded process of creative problem-solving furthering the growth of the body of Austrian school thought. |
"I've invented a marvelous machine that can propel a wagon and its passengers at tremendous speed all the way across the city! I call it an internal combustion engine."
"It looks heavy, can one horse pull it?"
"No, no, we don't need horses. My machine supplies all the power."
"If the horse is not pulling it, then is it pushing it?"
"No, my good man, you misunderstand me. No horses"
"We need horses, otherwise what will pull the wagons?"
"My machine does it. Look, here it is."
"I don't see anyplace to attach the harness."
"Without horses, we don't need a harness."
"But without a harness, how will the horse pull it?"
"Sir, please stop and consider. Everything we need is in this machine right here. It is not pulled by a horse"
"Oh, I get it, so it carries the horse too? It looks too small to fit a horse. "
"No, it does not carry the horse at all."
"So the horse walks alongside it?"
"No, it goes much faster than a horse can run."
"So the horse won't be able to keep up? If you do away with the horse, what do you replace it with? A cheetah, perhaps?"
"We don't need any animal. This engine does all the work."
"But if you don't replace the horse, then what will pull your wagon?"
"No animal pulls it."
"So your wagon just stays still? Hey! Look everybody, this man has lost his senses, he is trying to sell us wagons that don't move! Hahahah"