Murray Rothbard/Quotes/Rose Wilder Lane
This page lists various quotes by Murray N. Rothbard's about Rose Wilder Lane.
Date | Source | Citation | Quote | |
1961-07 | Confidential Memorandum to the Volker Fund | "From the Depths: World War II and After," §3 of "What Is to Be Done?" To: F. A. Harper, George Resch, Confidential Memorandum to the Volker Fund (July 1961).
Reprinted in "Setting the Stage," §I of Strictly Confidential: The Private Volker Fund Memos of Murray N. Rothbard, ed. David Gordon (Auburn, AL: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2010), p. 13. |
So the dominant fact of this era was isolation for the libertarian. Here and there, in the catacombs, unbeknownst to us struggling neophytes, were little, separated groups of people: In Los Angeles, Leonard Read, Orval Watts, and R.C. Hoiles began to move toward a libertarian (or quasi-libertarian) position in the L.A. Chamber of Commerce, reprinting Bastiat, establishing Pamphleteers, Inc. At Cornell Agriculture School, F.A. Harper and several students of his were developing a libertarian view. Albert Jay Nock and a few right-wing Georgist disciples advanced their theory, Nock publishing Memoirs of a Superfluous Man, Frank Chodorov, having been fired as director of the Henry George School, establishing his superb “little magazine,” analysis. Nock gained a post as book reviewer for the National Economic Council, and was succeeded by another independent and isolated libertarian thinker, Rose Wilder Lane. Garet Garrett, having been ousted in the left-wing palace revolution at the Saturday Evening Post, established a quarterly American Affairs at the National Industrial Conference Board, under the benign eye of Dr. Virgil Jordan. Isabel Paterson, brilliant and cantankerous, resigned from her column at the Herald-Tribune to publish her great work, God of the Machine. | 3,018 KB |
1971-10 | The Libertarian Forum | "Reprint Bonanza," The Libertarian Forum 3, no. 10, ed. Murray N. Rothbard (New York, NY: Joseph R. Peden, October 1971; mislabelled no. 9), pp. 2–3. | Rose Wilder Lane, The Discovery of Freedom: Man's Struggle Against Authority (1943). 282pp. $12.00. A great individualist and rationalist, Rose Lane was the unsung heroine and inspiration for libertarians in the 1940's and 50's. A beautifully written, lilting prose-poem to freedom in human history. Rose Lane stopped writting [sic] for many years in protest against the self-employed social security tax, and she deserves the widest distribution. With a new introduction by Roger MacBride and a new forward by Robert LeFevre.
Flash! Because of the great interest in Mrs. Lane |
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1972-12 | "We Make The Electoral College!" The Libertarian Forum 4, no. 12, ed. Murray N. Rothbard (New York, NY: Joseph R. Peden, December 1972; mislabelled no. 10), p. 6. | Who is this intrepid elector, this man who quietly defied the political gods? He does not, in fact, come out of the blue. Middle-aged libertarians remember him well as a leading, if rather moderate, member of the movement: Roger Lea MacBride, grandson and executor of the notable libertarian writer Rose Wilder Lane. | 1,305 KB | |
1992-01 | Rothbard–Rockwell Report | “A Strategy for the Right,” speech delivered before the John Randolph Club (January 1992).
Printed as “A Strategy for the Right,” Rothbard–Rockwell Report 3, no. 3 (Burlingame, CA: Center for Libertarian Studies, March 1992), p. 1. Reprinted as “A Strategy for the Right,” §1 of "A Strategy for the Right," pt. 1 of The Irrepressible Rothbard: The Rothbard–Rockwell Report Essays of Murray N. Rothbard, ed. Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. (Burlingame, CA: Center for Libertarian Studies, 2000), p. 3. |
This anti-New Deal movement was a coalition of three groups: 1) the “extremists,” the individualists and libertarians, like H.L. Mencken, Albert Jay Nock, Rose Wilder Lane, and Garet Garrett; 2) Right-wing Democrats, harking back to the laissez-faire views of the 19th-century Democratic party, men such as Governor Albert Ritchie of Maryland or Senator James A. Reed of Missouri; and 3) moderate New Dealers, who thought that the Roosevelt New Deal went too far, for example Herbert Hoover. Interestingly, even though the libertarian intellectuals were in the minority, they necessarily set the terms and the rhetoric of the debate, since theirs was the only thought-out contrasting ideology to the New Deal. | 1,459 KB |
1994-Fall | The Journal of Libertarian Studies | “Nations by Consent: Decomposing the Nation-State,” The Journal of Libertarian Studies: An Interdisciplinary Review 11, no. 1, ed. Murray N. Rothbard (Burlingame, CA: Center for Libertarian Studies, Fall 1994), p. 9. | It is also important to rethink the entire concept and function of voting. Should anyone have a “right” to vote? Rose Wilder Lane, the mid-twentieth century U.S. libertarian theorist, was once asked if she believed in womens’ suffrage. “No,” she replied, “and I’m against male suffrage as well.” | 469 KB |
2007 (posthumous) | The Betrayal of the American Right | "World War II: The Nadir," ch. 6 of The Betrayal of the American Right (Auburn, AL: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2007), p. 59. | From semi-isolation in her home in Danbury, Connecticut, Rose Wilder Lane, who had been a Communist Party member in the 1920s, published The Discovery of Freedom, an eloquent, singing prose-poem in celebration of the history of freedom and free-market capitalism. | 1,021 KB |
"The Postwar Renaissance I: Libertarianism," ch. 7 of The Betrayal of the American Right (Auburn, AL: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2007), p. 68. | It was at and through FEE that I met or discovered all the previously “underground” channels of libertarian thought and expression: the books published during the war, the Nockians (Nock himself had died in the summer of 1945), and the continuing activities of John T. Flynn and Rose Wilder Lane (who had succeeded Nock as editor of the Economic Council Review of Books), and Human Events. |