Non-monetary inequity
Non-monetary inequity exists when even the efforts to produce complete equality in terms of monetary wealth do not make people completely equal.
Walter Block writes of the inheritance tax, "if such a tax could be enacted and enforced, the yearning for egalitarianism which really animates all such proposals would be frustrated. For true egalitarianism means not only an equal distribution of money, but also an equal distribution of nonmonetary considerations. How would the egalitarians remedy the inequities between those who are sighted and those who are blind, those who are musically talented and those who are not, those who are beautiful and those who are ugly, those who are gifted and those who are not? What of the inequities between those who have happy dispositions and those who are prone to melancholy? How would the egalitarians mediate them?"[1]
- ↑ Block, Walter. "The Inheritor". Defending the Undefendable.