Quasi-governmental organization
From Mises Wiki, the global repository of classical-liberal thought
A quasi-governmental organization is one that has some, but not all, of the defining characteristics of a government. Examples include hospitals,[1] certain electricity grid exchanges and operators,[2] Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae,[3] the World Bank,[4] and common pools resource associations.[5] Lew Rockwell described political parties as "quasi-official agencies within the fabric of the State."[6]
- ↑ Rockwell, Llewellyn H. (27 January 1999). "Public and Private". http://mises.org/daily/141/Public-and-Private.
- ↑ Sennholz, Hans (July 2001). "How to Create an Energy Crisis". The Free Market 19 (7). https://mises.org/freemarket_detail.aspx?control=361.
- ↑ Koning, John Paul (13 August 2007). "The Fed Bought What?". http://mises.org/daily/2676/.
- ↑ Goldsmith, Gardner (20 January 2005). "Bullies and Their Pulpits". http://mises.org/daily/1722/.
- ↑ MacKenzie, D.W. (1 October 2008). "Too Tasty to Fail". http://mises.org/daily/3125/Too-Tasty-to-Fail.
- ↑ Rockwell, Llewellyn H. (20 April 2007). "Libertarianism is a Revolutionary Movement". http://mises.org/daily/2557/Libertarianism-is-a-Revolutionary-Movement.