33 Questions About American History You're Not Supposed to Ask is a book by historian Thomas Woods. As the title suggests, the text investigates modern myths that have become all but completely accepted as historical fact by today's general public as well as much of academia.
Question list
- Did the founding fathers support immigration? --
- Did Martin Luther King, Jr. oppose affirmative action? --
- Were the American Indians really environmentalists? --
- Were states' rights just code words for slavery and oppression? --
- What was "the biggest unknown scandal of the Clinton years"? --
- Was the "wild West" really so wild? --
- How antiwar have American liberals really been over the years? --
- Did the Iroquois indians influence the United States Constitution? --
- Did desegregation of schools significantly narrow the Black-White educational achievement gap? --
- Was the Civil War all about slavery, or was something else at stake as well? --
- Can the President, on his own authority, send troops anywhere in the world he wants? --
- Is it true that during World War II "Americans never had it so good"? --
- How does social security really work? --
- Was George Washington Carver really one of America's greatest scientific geniuses? --
- Was the U.S. Constitution meant to be a "living, breathing" document that changes with the times? --
- Did the pilgrims flourish in America thanks to Indian Agricultural wisdom? --
- Who is most responsible for the "imperial presidency"? --
- Is discrimination to blame for racial differences in income and job placement? --
- Where did Thomas Jefferson's radical states' rights ideas come from? --
- What really happened in the Whiskey Rebellion, and why will neither your textbook nor George Washington tell you? --
- What made American wages rise? (hint: it wasn't unions or the government) --
- Did capitalism cause the Great Depression? --
- Did Herbert Hoover sit back and do nothing during the Great Depression? --
- Did Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal lift the United States out of the Depression? --
- Does the Constitution's commerce clause really grant the federal government the power to regulate all gainful activity? --
- Can the federal governmen do whatever it thinks will provide for the "general welfare" of Americans? --
- Does the Constitution really contain an "elastic clause"? --
- Did the founding fathers believe juries could refuse to enforce unjust laws? --
- Is the U.S. government too stingy with foreign aid (or not stingy enough)? --
- Did labor unions make Americans more free? --
- Should Americans care about historians' rankings of the presidents? --
- Who was S.B. Fuller? --
- Did Bill Clinton really stop a genocide in Kosovo?
See also
- Articles, essays and reviews