Books on hyperinflation
From Mises Wiki, the global repository of classical-liberal thought
This is a list of books on hyperinflation and hard money:
- La banqueroute de law by Edgar Faure
- Fiat Money Inflation in France Andrew Dickson White
- The Hyperinflation Survival Guide Gerald Swanson
- The Age of Inflation Hans F. Sennholz
- When Money Dies: The Nightmare of Deficit Spending, Devaluation, and Hyperinflation in Weimar Germany by: Adam Fergusson
- Gold Wars by Ferdinand Lips
- Pieces of Eight : The Monetary Powers and Disabilities of the United States Constitution by Edwin Vieira
- The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve by G. Edward Griffin
- What Has Government Done to Our Money? by M.N. Rothbard
- The Case Against the Fed by M.N. Rothbard
- End the Fed by Ron Paul
- Forty Centuries of Wage and Price Controls by Robert Schuettinger