November 1 (add):
- 1993 – The European Union was created by the enactment of the Treaty of Maastricht.
MisesWiki:Anniversaries/November 2
MisesWiki:Anniversaries/November 3
MisesWiki:Anniversaries/November 4
November 5 (add):
- 1605 – A plot to destroy the British House of Lords was foiled when Guy Fawkes was arrested while guarding explosives.
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MisesWiki:Anniversaries/November 7
MisesWiki:Anniversaries/November 8
November 9 (add):
- 1938 – German Nazis coordinated (with the assistance of sympathizers) Kristallnacht, a nationwide attack on Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues.
- 1942 – The United States Supreme Court ruled that wheat grown by a farmer for his own use can be regulated under the Constitution's Commerce Clause.
- 1989 – Travel restrictions through the Berlin Wall were removed, leading to its eventual demolition.
November 10 (add):
- 1798 – The Kentucky Resolutions of 1798, declaring the Alien and Sedition Acts "void, and of no force," were passed by the Kentucky House of Representatives.
- 1919 – The Supreme Court upheld the conviction of men who violated the Sedition Act of 1918 by printing and throwing anti-war leaflets from rooftops.
November 11 (add):
- 1918 – Germany signed an armistice, ending the fighting related to World War I. The Treaty of Versailles officially ended the war the following year.
MisesWiki:Anniversaries/November 12
MisesWiki:Anniversaries/November 13
November 14 (add):
- 1799 – The Kentucky Resolutions of 1799 were passed by the Kentucky House of Representatives, reaffirming the state's rejection of the Alien and Sedition Acts.
November 15 (add):
- 1777 – The Articles of Confederation were adopted by the Second Continental Congress and sent to the states for ratification.
- 1832 – Jean-Baptiste Say, a "proto-Austrian" for whom Say's law is named, died in Paris.
November 16 (add):
- 1938 – Robert Nozick, libertarian philosopher and author of Anarchy, State, and Utopia, was born.
MisesWiki:Anniversaries/November 17
MisesWiki:Anniversaries/November 18
MisesWiki:Anniversaries/November 19
November 20 (add):
- 1772 – A Massachusetts committee of correspondence released a pamphlet authored by Samuel Adams and entitled "The Rights of the Colonists."
November 21 (add):
- 1694 – Voltaire, a French writer, philosopher, and advocate of civil liberties, was born.
MisesWiki:Anniversaries/November 22
November 23 (add):
- 1939 – President Franklin D. Roosevelt moved the Thanksgiving holiday to the penultimate Thursday of November, hoping to inspire additional holiday shopping.
November 24 (add):
- 1832 – South Carolina declared the "Tariff of Abominations" null and void in its Ordinance of Nullification.
MisesWiki:Anniversaries/November 25
MisesWiki:Anniversaries/November 26
November 27 (add):
- 1895 – At the Swedish-Norwegian Club in Paris, Alfred Nobel signed his last will and testament, setting aside his estate to establish the Nobel Prize.
- 1971 – The Soviet space program's Mars 2 orbiter released a descent module. It malfunctioned and crashed, but it was the first man-made object to reach the surface of Mars.
November 28 (add):
- 1894 – Henry Hazlitt, economist, journalist, and author of Economics in One Lesson, was born.
- 1995 – President Bill Clinton signed legislation repealing all federal speed limit controls, ceding a power that had been withheld from states for over 21 years.
November 29 (add):
- 1929 – US Admiral Richard Byrd became the first person to fly over the South Pole.
November 30 (add):