From Mises Wiki, the global repository of classical-liberal thought
July 1 (add):
- 2011 – Cory Maye, convicted of murder ten years earlier for defending himself against a police raid, made a plea agreement resulting in his release.
July 2 (add):
- 1776 – The Second Continental Congress passed the Lee Resolution, declaring independence from Great Britain. Two days later it formally announced the Declaration of Independence.
- 1890 – The Sherman Antitrust Act went into effect, giving the federal government broad powers to investigate monopolies and cartels.
- 1964 – The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was enacted, outlawing racial and sexual discrimination in privately owned businesses that serve the public.
MisesWiki:Anniversaries/July 3
July 4 (add):
- 1776 – American Revolution: The United States Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Second Continental Congress.
- 1886 – The people of France offered the Statue of Liberty to the people of the United States.
- 1966 – President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Freedom of Information Act into United States law. The act went into effect the next year.
July 5 (add):
- 1687 – Isaac Newton's masterpiece, Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, was first published.
July 6 (add):
- 1938 - Ludwig von Mises married Margit Sereny in Geneva.
MisesWiki:Anniversaries/July 7
July 8 (add):
- 1932 – The Dow Jones closed at 41.22, its lowest value in over twenty years and nearly 90% lower than its 1929 high of 381.17.
July 9 (add):
- 1778 – Delegates from eight of the thirteen colonies signed the Articles of Confederation: New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and South Carolina.
July 10 (add):
- 1832 – US President Andrew Jackson vetoed a bill that would have re-chartered the Second Bank of the United States.
MisesWiki:Anniversaries/July 11
July 12 (add):
- 1804 – Alexander Hamilton died of wounds sustained in his July 11 duel with Aaron Burr.
July 13 (add):
- 1863 – The New York Draft Riots began as thousands in New York City violently protested against new conscription laws during the American Civil War.
July 14 (add):
- 1798 – President John Adams signed the Sedition Act, making it a federal crime to criticize certain members of the federal government.
- 1890 – The Sherman Silver Purchase Act was enacted, requiring purchase and coinage of silver by the U. S. government, thereby increasing the money supply ahead of the Panic of 1893.
July 15 (add):
- 1848 – Vilfredo Pareto, an Italian economist and sociologist, was born.
July 16 (add):
- 1832 – President Andrew Jackson vetoed the bill that would have renewed the charter of the Second Bank of the United States.
MisesWiki:Anniversaries/July 18
MisesWiki:Anniversaries/July 19
July 20 (add):
- 1754 – Economist and political theorist Destutt de Tracy was born.
- 1900 – Economist Gottfried von Haberler was born.
July 21 (add):
- 1954 – Vietnam was partitioned into two states by the Geneva Convention, and the subsequent conflict led to the Vietnam War.
July 22 (add):
- 1926 – Austrian economist Friedrich von Wieser died.
MisesWiki:Anniversaries/July 23
MisesWiki:Anniversaries/July 24
MisesWiki:Anniversaries/July 25
July 26 (add):
- 1581 – The Dutch Low Countries, in the Act of Abjuration, declared independence from Philip II of Spain.
- 1990 – President George H. W. Bush signed the American Disabilities Act, prohibiting discrimination against qualifying disabled persons.
MisesWiki:Anniversaries/July 27
July 28 (add):
- 1932 – General MacArthur and Major Patton led an attack on an encampment of protesting veterans in Washington DC, injuring hundreds and killing several.
July 29 (add):
- 1805 – Alexis de Tocqueville, French chronicler of American life, was born.
July 30 (add):
- 2001 – Democracy: The God that Failed, by Hans-Hermann Hoppe, was published.
July 31 (add):
- 1912 – Economist Milton Friedman was born.