Austrian Business Cycle Theory learning materials
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This page lists interesting learning materials about the Austrian Business Cycle Theory.
Books and Essays:
- The Austrian Theory of the Trade Cycle and Other Essays by Richard M. Ebeling
- Austrian Macroeconomics: A Diagrammatical Exposition by Roger W. Garrison
- Monetary Theory and the Trade Cycle by Friedrich A. Hayek
- Prices and Production by Friedrich A. Hayek
- Time and Money: The Macroeconomics of Capital Structure by Roger W. Garrison
- Time and Money: The Universals of Macroeconomic Theorizing by Roger W. Garrison
- Economic Depressions: Their Cause and Cure by Murray N. Rothbard
- An Essay on Economic Theory, by Richard Cantillon, translated by Chantal Saucier, edited by Mark Thornton
Single chapters from books:
- Economics for Real People - Chapter 13 - Times are Hard: On the Causes of the Business Cycle by Gene Callahan
- America's Great Depression - Chapter 1 - The Positive Theory of the Cycle by Murray N. Rothbard
- Human Action - Chapter 20 - Interest, Credit Expansion, and the Trade Cycle by Ludwig von Mises
- The Austrian Theory of the Trade Cycle - Money and the Business Cycle by Gottfried Haberler
- Austrian Theory of the Trade Cycle (video) by Roger W. Garrison, 2009
- Austrian Theory of the Trade Cycle (video) by Roger W. Garrison, 2010
- Austrian Theory of the Trade Cycle (video) by Roger W. Garrison, 2011
- The Austrian Theory of the Business Cycle (video) by Roger W. Garrison, 2012
- Austrian Economics and the Business Cycle (video) by Robert P. Murphy, 2010
- The Austrian School on Business Cycles: 100 Years of Being Right (video) by Mark Thornton, 2010
- Smashing Myths and Restoring Sound Money (video) by Thomas E. Woods, Jr., 2009
- Austrian Business Cycle Theory (video) by Thomas E. Woods, Jr., 2009 (excerpt from Why You've Never Heard of the Great Depression of 1920)
- The Business Cycle in 5 min (video), 2011
Other Materials:
- Business Cycle literature
- Time and Money: Powerpoints by Roger W. Garrison
Related forum threads:
- What is "must read" for understanding the ABCT?
- ABCT in a few minutes
- My explanation of the business cycle
- Have I correctly described ABCT?
- Refutations of The Austrian Business Cycle/Austrian Economics
Related articles:
- "Contra Krugman" by Roger W. Garrison, December 1998
- "In Defense of Austrian Theory" by Frank Shostak, December 1998
- "Epstein Responds" by Gene Epstein, December 1998
- "Boom and Bust" by Gene Callahan, August 2000
- "Business Cycle Primer" by Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., February 2001
- "The Hangover Theory?" by John P. Cochran, March 2001
- "Austrian Business Cycle Theory: A Brief Explanation" by Dan Mahoney, May 2001
- "Expectations and Austrian Cycle Theory" by Frank Shostak, January 2003
- "Sound Money and the Business Cycle" by John P. Cochran, March 2003
- "Why the Business Cycle Happens" by Murray N. Rothbard, 1959
- "A Nobel Prize for Not Much" by Frank Shostak, October 2004
- "Why Business Cycle Theory Matters" by William L. Anderson, November 2004
- "If You Are So Smart..." by William L. Anderson, January 2005
- "Why Don't Entrepreneurs Outsmart the Business Cycle?" by Brian J. Stanley, August 2007
- "The Worst Recession in 25 years?" by Robert P. Murphy, October 2007
- "Did Capitalism Cause the Great Depression?" by Murray N. Rothbard, November 1959
- "The Importance of Capital Theory" by Robert P. Murphy, October 2008
- "Austrians Can Explain the Boom and the Bust" by Robert P. Murphy, March 2009
- "Correcting Quiggin on Austrian Business-Cycle Theory" by Robert P. Murphy, May 2009
- "Hangover Theory: How Paul Krugman Has Misconceived Austrian Theory" by David Gordon, July 2009
- "Austrian Business Cycle Theory and Global Crisis" by Ersan Bocutoglu, February 2010
- "Putting Austrian Business-Cycle Theory to the Test" by Robert P. Murphy, October 2010
- "Can Austrian Theory Explain Construction Employment?" by Robert P. Murphy, January 2011
- "My Reply to Krugman on Austrian Business-Cycle Theory" by Robert P. Murphy, January 2011
- A Reformulation of Austrian Business Cycle Theory in Light of the Financial Crisis (pdf) by Joseph T. Salerno, 2012