From Mises Wiki, the global repository of classical-liberal thought
March 1 (add):
- 1781 – The Articles of Confederation were ratified by the thirteenth colony, Maryland, thus officially establishing "The United States of America."
- 1989 – The Berne Convention Implementation Act went into effect, modifying United States copyright law and making the country a party to the Berne Convention.
March 2 (add):
- 1824 – The Supreme Court decided Gibbons v. Ogden, ruling against a state-backed steamboat monopoly and, more generally, state intervention in interstate commerce.
- 1836 – The Republic of Texas declared independence from Mexico.
- 1861 – Congress passed the Corwin Amendment, which was supported by Abraham Lincoln and would have made federal prohibition of slavery unconstitutional.
- 1926 – Murray N. Rothbard, scholar and famous student of Ludwig von Mises, was born.
March 3 (add):
- 1919 – The Supreme Court upheld the Espionage Act of 1917, ruling that speech opposing military conscription is not protected by the first amendment.
March 4 (add):
- 1877 – The first performance of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake occured in Moscow.
March 5 (add):
- 1770 – Five American civilians were killed by British troops in the Boston Massacre, fanning the flames of the American Revolution.
March 6 (add):
- 1819 – John Marshall, in his ruling in McCulloch v. Maryland, argued that the US Constitution authorizes "implied" powers, notwithstanding the tenth amendment.
March 7 (add):
- 1965 – On Bloody Sunday, voting-rights demonstrators were attacked by police near Selma, Alabama.
March 8 (add):
- 1775 – An essay advocating the emancipation of American slaves was published anonymously; Thomas Paine is thought to be its author.
March 9 (add):
- 1933 – US President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Emergency Banking Act, establishing Federal Reserve control over US banks, was passed by congress.
March 10 (add):
- 1836 – Economist Destutt de Tracy, a predecessor to the Austrian tradition, died.
March 11 (add):
- 1861 – The Constitution of the Confederate States of America, placing more restrictions on the federal government than that of the United States, was adopted.
- 1990 – Lithuania declared independence from the Soviet Union.
March 12 (add):
- 1930 – Mahatma Gandhi leads a 200-mile march, known as the Dandi March, to the sea in defiance of British opposition, to protest the British monopoly on salt in India.
March 13 (add):
- 1943 – Nazis began the final "liquidation" of the Kraków Ghetto, transporting 8,000 Jews to labor camps and killing 2,000.
March 14 (add):
- 1904 – The US Supreme Court ruled that convictions under antitrust law did not require that companies actually attempt to restrain trade.
March 15 (add):
- 44 BC – Julius Casesar was stabbed to death on the Ides of March.
- 1985 – The first internet domain name was registered: symbolics.com.
March 16 (add):
- 1810 – The US Supreme Court overturned a state law for the first time, ruling that a law rescinding a fraudulent sale of land was unconstitutional.
- 1968 – US soldiers killed hundreds of civilians in the My Lai Massacre, and several, including Hugh Thompson, attempted to stop it.
March 17 (add):
- 1776 – The Siege of Boston ended as British troops retreat in the face of new Continental artillery positions.
March 18 (add):
- 1782 – John C. Calhoun, one of Murray Rothbard's favorite American political thinkers, was born.
- 1837 – Grover Cleveland, 22nd and 24th president of the United States, was born.
March 19 (add):
- 1859 – Wisconsin issued its Declaration of Defiance, protesting the United States Supreme Court's reversal of a Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling that effectively nullified the Fugitive Slave Act.
March 20 (add):
- 1883 – The Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, an intellectual property treaty providing international patent protection, was formed with the backing of 11 countries.
March 21 (add):
- 1949 – Economist Frank Fetter died.
- 1729 – John Law, the inflationist behind the Mississippi scheme, died.
March 22 (add):
- 1765 – The Parliament of England passed the Stamp Act, taxing licenses, official documents, and popular literature, including playing cards, pamphlets, and newspapers.
March 23 (add):
- 1992 – Austrian economist Friedrich von Hayek died.
March 24 (add):
- 1933 – The Enabling Act was passed by Germany's Reichstag, giving Chancellor Adolf Hitler the power to enact legislation without its approval.
March 25 (add):
- 1807 – The Slave Trade Act of 1807 was passed by the British Parliament, abolishing the slave trade throughout the British empire.
March 26 (add):
- 1776 – South Carolina approved a new constitution, declaring itself free and independent of Great Britain over three months before the Declaration of Independence.
March 27 (add):
- 1980 – On "Silver Thursday," two businessmen attempting to corner the silver market missed a margin call, causing a collapse in the price of the metal.
March 28 (add):
- 1854 – France and Great Britain entered the Crimean War by declaring war on Russia.
March 29 (add):
- 1911 – The Colt M1911 was selected as the standard-issue sidearm of the US Army, a position it held until 1985.
March 30 (add):
- 1774 – The British Parliament enacted the Boston Port Act, authorizing a complete blockade of the Port of Boston in retaliation against the Boston Tea Party.
March 31 (add):
- 1918 – Daylight Savings Time went into effect for the first time in the United States.