Template:New articles/2011
From Mises Wiki, the global repository of classical-liberal thought
Articles are grouped by the month in which they were removed from Template:New articles. New entries should be added to the bottom.
- The Webster-Hayne debate was a major debate on the nature of the union established by the United States Constitution.
- The True Money Supply, defined by Mises, includes standard money (held by the public) and money substitutes.
- Slavery is a system in which one must labor under the orders of another under the threat of violence.
- The Panama Canal is a 48-mile ship canal in Panama that connects the Pacific Ocean with the Atlantic Ocean.
- Herbert Spencer was a leading 19th-century English radical individualist.
- "Net Neutrality" refers to proposed regulations by the FCC on telecom operators and internet service providers.
- Lysander Spooner's No Treason makes the case that the US Constitution is invalid because it was never explicitly agreed to by anyone.
- The Constitution of the United States has been interpreted differently by nationalist theorists and compact theorists.
- The Fighting Communist Organizations is the term used to describe various terrorist groups that began operations in the 1960s.
- Instituto Ludwig von Mises Brasil is the Brazilian partner of the Mises Institute.
- R. Douglas Fields is a neurobiologist whose work has provided a biological basis for the principle of non-aggression.
- Tulip mania was a 17th-century bubble in the price of tulips.
- Communist Terrorism is terrorism committed by Marxists or Maoists.
- In response to the Crisis of 1772, the British government attempted to raise revenue by collecting a tax on tea, leading to the Boston Tea Party.
- The Latin American debt crisis was a major financial crisis of the early 1980s.
- Léon Walras was a French economist who made key contributions in price and value theory.
- Thomas J. DiLorenzo's Hamilton's Curse offers a revisionist view of Alexander Hamilton.
- Reichskreditkassenscheine was a military currency used by Nazi soldiers during World War II.
- The Mystery of Banking, by Murray Rothbard, explains the modern fractional-reserve banking system.