List of Austrian School economists
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Carl Menger (1840 – 1921), founder of the Austrian School.
The economists aligned with the Austrian School are sometimes colloquially called "the Austrians" even though few hold Austrian citizenship, and not all economists from Austria subscribe to the ideas of the Austrian School.
Austrian economists
- Benjamin Anderson
- William L. Anderson
- William Barnett II[1]
- Walter Block
- Peter Boettke[2]
- Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk
- Donald J. Boudreaux
- Gene Callahan
- Tony Carilli[3]
- Christopher Coyne
- Daniel D'Amico[4]
- Gregory Dempster[3]
- Thomas DiLorenzo
- Richard Ebeling
- Karel Engliš[5]
- Marc Faber
- Antal E. Fekete
- Frank Fetter
- Roger Garrison
- David Gordon
- Gottfried von Haberler
- Friedrich Hayek
- Henry Hazlitt
- Robert Higgs
- Randall G. Holcombe
- Hans-Hermann Hoppe
- Steven Horwitz
- William Harold Hutt
- Ubiratan Iorio[6]
- Israel Kirzner
- Peter G. Klein
- Ludwig Lachmann
- Don Lavoie
- Henri Lepage
- Peter Leeson
- Roderick Long
- Fritz Machlup
- Carl Menger
- Ludwig von Mises
- Robert P. Murphy
- Gary North
- Frederick Nymeyer
- Ernest C. Pasour
- David Prychitko
- Ralph Raico
- Lawrence Reed
- George Reisman
- Kurt Richebächer
- Lew Rockwell
- Jim Rogers
- Murray Rothbard
- Paul Rosenstein-Rodan
- Russell Roberts
- Joseph Salerno
- Pascal Salin
- Joseph Schumpeter
- Hans Sennholz
- Jesús Huerta de Soto
- Mark Thornton
- Lawrence H. White
- Friedrich von Wieser
Related lists
External links
- The Austrian Economists by Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk 1891
- Society for the Development of Austrian Economics Largest professional organization of Austrian economists
- Austrian School Economists from Mark Valenti's Liberty Page